Website Backups
Is Your Website Backed Up?
What would happen tomorrow if your website was hacked, deleted or your web host was no longer in business?
These three scenarios are real, and can result in disaster if there is no backup.
Not many businesses consider this question but it is relevant and applies to a critical part of your business: your website.
Q: Why backup your website?
A: You have invested a lot of money in setting up your website and most likely, the only copy of it is sitting on the web server. If you are adding blogs and posts and keeping it up to date then there is also your time invested in the site.
Backing the website up is simple and should be set to occur automatically every week to an offsite storage location. The recovery process should also be tested twice a year.
The three options for a backup and recovery solution for your website include:
– Contact your web support provider and ask them to initiate an offsite backup/recovery solution
– Contact your web hosting provider and ask them to initiate an offsite backup/recovery solution
– Contact Rosh-Tech IT