Change Office 365 Tenancy From Telstra T-Suite To Microsoft

The below information is aimed at Not-For-Profits and charities but the same process applies for all customers.

If you have been looking at the option to move your Office365 tenancy from Telstra T-Suite to the Microsoft direct for a while this may be of interest.

Up until now, the “rip and replace” costs to perform the migration are very high….for a 50 user site with Exchange and SharePoint: $10k-$20k up front.

We have recently been informed that Telstra are becoming a CSP (Cloud solution provider) which means they will be on the same platform as Microsoft.

Once that happens, you can request a simple billing transfer to move your tenancy from Telstra to Microsoft.

It shouldn’t require any technical input as it is simply an administration issue to effect the transfer.

For a NFP/Charity results will be a saving of at least $20k over 3 years. (for a 50 user site)

The steps are as follows:

  • put your organisation onto the priority queue with Telstra which will take a few weeks to complete.
  • contact Microsoft to have your NFP account setup
  • transfer the tenancy from Telstra to Microsoft

Once the transfer has been effected, you will receive a bill directly from Microsoft for your Office 365 subscription.

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